Search Results

Majority of Parents Say Socioeconomic Factors Negatively Impact Their Families' Health

December, 2019

Only 33% say a healthcare provider or insurer asked them about these non-medical factors in the past 12 months. Among those parents, 68% say they did receive a social service referral, but roughly one-third were unable to get help because of waiting lists (33%), an inability to pay for services (32%), a lack of transportation […]


Jeff Lagasse / Healthcare Finance

Majority of parents say socioeconomic factors negatively impact their families’ health

December, 2019

Close to 70% of parents cite experiencing at least one social determinant of health during the past 12 months, including: being unable to pay one or more of their bills (32%); skipping a doctor/dentist appointment because they couldn’t afford to pay for visits or find transportation (32%); having trouble paying for or getting to a doctor/dentist […]


Jeff Lagasse / Healthcare Finance