Cost-Benefit Analysis of Providing Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
April, 2019
For prenatal care, asthma, congestive heart failure, and diabetes, improved transportation produces net cost savings.
April, 2019
For prenatal care, asthma, congestive heart failure, and diabetes, improved transportation produces net cost savings.
August, 2018
In a recent survey of almost 1,000 Medicaid beneficiaries with kidney disease, MH/SUD needs, or diabetic wounds and who use NEMT, 58% of beneficiaries surveyed reported that they would not be able to make any medical appointments without NEMT. Moreover, 10% of beneficiaries surveyed reported that they “would die or probably die” if they did […]
August, 2018
One study demonstrated that Medicaid saves more than $40 million per month by providing transportation for 30,000 patients to attend regular dialysis treatments and diabetic wound care treatments versus not providing the benefit.
March, 2017
Use of nonemergency medical transportation is a significant predictor of diabetes care visits. Older enrollees were likely to make more visits than younger enrollees with diabetes; controlling for all other factors in the model, rural residents made more visits than urban; women made fewer visits than men; and minorities made fewer visits than whites, with […]
March, 2017
The burden of diabetes is 2.5 times higher for people with transportation barriers than in the rest of the US population.