Archive of Special Populations (children, elderly, disabled)

Transportation Barriers to Health Care: Assessing the Texas Medicaid Program

May, 2006

The only socio-demographic variable associated with MTP utilization was ethnicity. African-Americans were more likely to be MTP users while whites were more likely to be MTP non-users. African-Americans and Hispanics traditionally have some of the lowest utilization rates of health care services. For example, African-American children are particularly vulnerable, having the lowest immunization rates that […]


Stephen Boyce Borders

Transportation Barriers to Accessing Health Care for Urban Children

January, 2006

Caregivers of urban low-income children in Texas were more likely not to keep an appointment if they had the following traits: did not use a car to the last kept appointment; did not keep an appointment in the past due to transportation problems; had more than two people in the household; and did not keep […]


Serena Yang, Robert L. Zarr, Taha A. Kass-Hout, Atoosa Kourosh, and Nancy R. Kelly

Cost-Effectiveness of Access to Nonemergency Medical Transportation

January, 2006

Those who fall into the target population of 3.6 million who miss or delay care due to lack of transportation possess distinct characteristics that separate them from the rest of the U.S. population, and these are explained in detail in the earlier paper (1) and a TCRP report stemming from this project (2). In short, […]


Richard Wallace, Paul Hughes-Cromwick, and Hillary Mull

Access to Health Care and Nonemergency Medical Transportation: Two Missing Links, Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board

January, 2005

In the preventive arena, lack of transportation can lead to underimmunization, difficulties in administering screening programs, failure to attend pediatric checkups, and lack of prenatal care for poor women.For chronic problems, numerous studies have documented a lack of care because of transportation barriers. Conover and Whetten-Goldstein, for example, found that 16.7% of AIDS and HIV […]


Richard Wallace, Paul Hughes-Cromwick, Hillary Mull, and Snehamay Khasnabis, Wayne State